Our Team

Kyle Sullivan
Producer, Director, Camera Operator, Editor
Kyle Sullivan is an independent filmmaker based out of Birmingham, Alabama. He’s been involved in narrative and documentary films, including The Death Of Dick Long, Survivor Girls, and Union; just completed the short film Garden of the Gods; and continues to create for the popular web series, Trekspertise. His documentary impulse was only partially satiated with Wikisurfer, a podcast he co-hosted with Brandon Fibbs of Cosmos and The Story Of God fame.
Kyle’s last taste of high adventure was a month spent in the cold depths of Antarctica, where he subjected every penguin and leopard seal he could find to the joys and stresses of being on camera.

Katie Boyer
Producer, Writer
Katie Boyer has been through several incarnations as a writer. Small town journalist and college newspaper editor. Newsletter writer from foreign shores. Graduate student in comparative literature, teacher of composition and lit survey classes. Lecturer and blogger. Most recently a writer of stories and screenplays. A word for every situation, in other words.
To Screen Door, Katie brings an eye for fully developed characters and well-told stories, be they small, medium, or large. With a strong editing background and workshop and collaboration experience, she’s ready to help you bring your project to the world.